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The Cancer Bashers 'Captains Report' following the charity game last week.

The Cancer Bashers 'Captains Report' following the charity game last week.

Yogi Jones15 May 2015 - 14:18

Looks like they enjoyed it and we'll hopefully see them again. Well done fella's

The 9th annual Cancer Bashers game was a roaring success at Walsall RUFC with over 50 players taking part for both teams.

Unfortunately, despite a great squad we weren’t able to produce the win with the final result 65-12.

We managed to raise £1,227 for MacMillan, with £250 being raised by Walsall thanks for a high competitive raffle and the sale of some really lovely loom bands.

Graham Dane award for man of the match went to Enita Ookodiko for the 2nd year in a row. Big Girls Blouse went to Sam Jackson.

We would like to thank our shirt sponsors SE Controls and Hoare Lea as well as all the players and the referee for allowing us to make a difference.

Next year is our 10th anniversary and we plan to make it a big one. Plenty of time to dust off the boots and hit the gym in advance of next year or just turn up for the social!

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